If you are looking for some easy recipes and nutrition information, you’ve come to the right place!

If you are interested in 1:1 nutrition coaching with me, please visit the “Schedule a Free Call!” page.

Northern Nutrition Coaching Logo

This blog-style website is dedicated to sharing easy, nourishing recipes you can create at home, and adding value by embedding nutrition information specific to the recipe.

A Little About Myself…

I’m Grace Kreps, a Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified Nutritionist and the owner of Northern Nutrition Coaching.

I’ve been an active person all my life, and something that can greatly impact activity in many ways is nutrition. I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs with my nutrition, which inspired me to be the person others need in those times, so, I decided to become a nutritionist.

Along the way, I have found a few other things that I am passionate about and that align with my work as a nutrition coach – coaching strength and conditioning, and creating nourishing recipes.

My mission is to help people build formational nutrition habits for life; to educate, support, and empower.

Which is exactly why I created this website, to empower you to make easy, delicious recipes and provide you with a few pieces of nutrition knowledge at the same time.

I hope you enjoy, wishing you all the best!

Grace Kreps Headshot